Chioschi Enogastronomici, percorsi alla scoperta di Bibione, spettacoli ed intrattenimenti Musicali e Mostra fotografica Dorffest / Town Fair Info: http://www.apiediperbibione.it/ Org: Gruppo Marciatori Bibione Bibione – Area divertimenti (tensostruttura) - Piazza Mercato – dalle h 18.00
Domenica - Sonntag - Sunday CICLOTURISTICA 1° MAGGIO – FESTA PAESANA Pedalata non competitiva nel territorio in festa PERCORSO: San Filippo, Musili, Pradis, Prati Nuovi, Terzo Bacino, Bibione Fahrradtour / cycle ride Org: Associazione “Amici della Scuola Materna” Cesarolo – Piazzale della Chiesa – h 8.30
FISHERMAN’S FRIEND STRONGMANRUN 10km di corsa tra divertimento ed ostacoli Per la prima volta arriva a Bibione la corsa più fortedi tutti i tempi. Dieci chilometri, una serie di ostacoli da superare e la determinazione del guerriero: la corsa più forte di tutti i tempi. Info: http://strongmanrun.it/ Org: RCS Sport Bibione – h 15.00
Mizuno Beach Volley Marathon® is the sporting event which reunites thousands of beach volley lovers of every age and every playing level each year at. It is the specialty’s most famous and participated in open tournament at a worldwide level, with a formula of game (M/F 2×2 – M/F 3×3 – Mixed 4×4) that promotes and enhances the participation of anyone who wants to play and have fun.
An amazing summer hangout for anyone wanting to share a weekend at the beach with friends consisting of jumps, digs, and spikes and plenty of fun. Enthralling evening parties on the beach, nights spent in the best clubs and specially priced rates, complete the offer of an event truly not to be missed
When: May 2016, 13-14-15 | September 2016, 16-17-18
Type: Sports Tournaments
Formula: participation with or without accommodation
Domenica - Sonntag – Sunday SPETTACOLO PIROTECNICO Feuerwerk / fireworks In caso di maltempo l’evento verrà rinviato al giorno successivo Im Falle von schlechtem Wetter wird die Show auf den folgenden Tag verschoben In case of bad weather, the event will be postponed to the day after Info: www.bibione.com Org: Comune di San Michele al Tagliamento e Bibione Spiaggia Bibione - Arenile / Strand / Beach antistante Piazzale Zenith - h 23.00
The Italian Volleyball Federation (Fipav), in collaboration with Kinder +Sport, promotes the twentieth edition of the Beach&Ball Trophy, a youth beach volleyball tournament aimed at boys and girls, aged between 8 and 20 years, representing Schools and sports clubs.
The initiative will be held in Bibione (Venice) in July 2016, from 3 to 8. It consists of two separate tournaments played in the arena beach in front of the Villaggio Turistico Internazionale.
The Beach&Ball Trophy offers three different formulas:
– a week (arrivals July 2016, Saturday 2, and departures July 2016, Saturday 9), with participation in both tournaments: the first lasting three days (Sunday, Monday and Tuesday); the second lasting two days (Thursday and Friday);
– four nights (arrivals July 2016, on Saturday 2, and departures July 2016, on Wednesday 6), with participation in the Tournament of three days (Sunday, Monday and Tuesday);
– three nights (arrivals July 2016, on Wednesday 6 and departures July 2016, on Saturday 9), with participation in the tournament two days (Thursday and Friday).
When: July 2016, from 3 to 8
Type: Youth Tournaments
Formula: participation with or without accommodation
Domenica - Sonntag – Sunday ELIMINATOR Gara in mountain bike ad ostacoli nel circuito cittadino Mountainbike Rennen mit Hindernisse Mountain Bike Race with obstacles Info: http://www.bibionebiketrophy.it Bibione – Piazza Fontana e Viale Aurora
Domenica - Sonntag – Sunday SPETTACOLO PIROTECNICO Feuerwerk / fireworks In caso di maltempo l’evento verrà rinviato al giorno successivo Im Falle von schlechtem Wetter wird die Show auf den folgenden Tag verschoben In case of bad weather, the event will be postponed to the day after Info: www.bibione.com Org: Comune di San Michele al Tagliamento e Bibione Spiaggia Bibione - Arenile / Strand / Beach antistante Piazzale Zenith - h 23.00
Lunedì – Montag - Monday SPETTACOLO PIROTECNICO Feuerwerk / fireworks In caso di maltempo l’evento verrà rinviato al giorno successivo Im Falle von schlechtem Wetter wird die Show auf den folgenden Tag verschoben In case of bad weather, the event will be postponed to the day after Info: www.bibione.com Org: Comune di San Michele al Tagliamento e Bibione Spiaggia Bibione - Arenile / Strand / Beach antistante Piazzale Zenith - h 23.00
Mercoledì>Giovedì - Mittwoch>Donnerstag - Wednesday>Thursday SEPTEMBERFEST Festa del vino e dell'uva, con chioschi enogastronomici, musica e spettacolo La più grande kermesse enogastronomica bibionese con vini e degustazioni per salutare la stagione estiva Tanta musica con I CARAMEL Wein- und Traubenfest; Musikunterhaltung. Wine and grapes party with music entertainment. Info: http://www.septemberfestbibione.com/it/ Org: PRO. TURIST. - Promozione Turistica Bibione - Soc.Coop.A.r.l. Bibione - Piazzale Zenith e Via della Luna – aperture dalle h 15.00 – distribuzione vino dalle h 19.00
Giovedì - Donnerstag - Thursday SPETTACOLO PIROTECNICO MUSICALE I fuochi artificiali saranno accesi a ritmo di musica Musikfeuerwerk / musical fireworks In caso di maltempo l’evento verrà rinviato al giorno successivo Im Falle von schlechtem Wetter wird die Show auf den folgenden Tag verschoben In case of bad weather, the event will be postponed to the day after Info: www.bibione.com Org: Comune di San Michele al Tagliamento – Bibione Spiaggia Bibione - Arenile / Strand / Beach antistante Piazzale Zenith - h 23.00
Domenica - Sonntag - Sunday BIBIONE IS SURPRISING RUN: 10 MILES Manifestazione sportiva di corsa su strada a carattere nazionale Fidal 16.094 m non competitiva a passo libero sulla stessa distanza. Sportveranstaltung: Strassenrennen auf nationalen Basis FIDAL - 16.094 m zusammen mit einem nicht BIBIONE IN ROSA Una corsa dedicata alle donne lungo la spiaggia sulla distanza di 7 chilometri CORRI CON PLUTO INFO e Costi: www.bibionerun.com Bibione – h 18.00
Bibione Beach Fitness is a very successful convention, a container of events united by a common denominator: fun and quality. An idea that comes from those who love sports and well-being, who has been able to put together a special team to tell this unique event with the enthusiasm it deserves.
The context of Bibione Beach Fitness is really unique, with 14 stages set up on the beach and a stellar cast of instructors! A long weekend of sport by the sea, with music, dance, learning and entertainment, including evening parties on the beach and nightclubs.
A lesson, a dip in the pool, a massage at the nearby spa complex, a happy hour… and everything is made on the beach!
When: September 16, 17 and 18, 2016
Type: Convention Fitness
Formula: participation with or without accommodation
Sabato – Samstag – Saturday BIBIONE BIKE TROPHY Gara in mountainbike - Gara endurance della durata di 6 ore 6 Stunden langes Ausdauerrennen in Teams (freie Staffel) oder einzeln, ausschließlich mit dem Mountain Bike a 6 hour endurance race in teams (free relay) or as a single athlete, exclusively on a mountain bike Info: http://www.bibionebiketrophy.it Org: A.S.D. ReAction Bibione – Piazzale Zenith - dalle h 16.00 alle h 22.00